Science is GREAT! Love it .. I am not a scientist… just an individual who saves Citrus Trees by bringing them back to health with the application of a 100% Natural Foliar Application.. I just watch dying trees regain their health and vigor in a few months, and increase their productivity in one season.

To all Scientists… continue the quest. In the end I’ll keep on pointing to our healthy trees, and inviting Scientists, Growers, Politicians, Reporters, Packing House owners, Grove Managers, and anyone who has eyes to see, and ears to hear, that we can… and are restoring infected trees marked for destruction.

Isn’t that what the Growers need right now… not an ultimate solution which might come when they are out of business… Love Science… some of my best friends are scientifically unique as I like to remind them.. 🙂 I can spend hours talking about it…. as the many topics that fall into the Science Bucket are unlimited… like a sigh being a fundamental life sustaining reflex… ☺ (big sigh)

For now I will spend every waking, hour taking every opportunity to inform those who have trees that are dying; that they do not have to… @Aaronagroaid.

Like I said Science is GREAT… We owe all Scientists a debt of gratitude. I also love Growers of our food. I would like to see the Government purchase the product and give it to the cash strapped Grower who is borrowing today for a failed crop tomorrow… just to try to hang on.

Let them apply and survive… wouldn’t that make sense to you.. It does to me… and when the Scientists have the CURE there will be an industry left to benefit from their discoveries. Cheers.