The Citrus Industry in Review ~ It is worse than you might think!

I personally listened to story after story from Growers who have been devastated. Many have sold off sections of their farms, others have lost it all. One handed 1000 acres back to the lender… He seemed resolved to the change in his life, but you could tell he wouldn’t soon be getting over it. If you didn’t know any better you would think there was a real conspiracy not to solve HLB.

After 10 + years and millions and millions of dollars, both from contributions from the Growers and the public at large, the biggest hope for the future in a search for a Cure that is getting any press are, Resistant Root Stock, Steam Tenting, and Antibiotics. One theme everyone was voicing was that there will never be a CURE for HLB… The best we can expect would be exactly what AGRO-AID trials offer.. “I just want my trees to be healthy and productive.. I could care less about a cure.” So say them all…

Many have told us that they think the Industry is racing towards the edge of the cliff. Still others tell us no, I think we have gone over the edge of the cliff already and many just don’t know it or are unwilling to admit it. If that is the case and there is a rush to an Antibiotic solution in theory, than the Industry is probably over the cliff, but I’ll let you decide on that.

Well more good news… we have talked to several others at the Florida Citrus Show, and we are looking at exciting opportunities for Agro –Aid Inc. to join forces with them to make IHO-Bio results even better than they are now….

Stay tuned we are changing the face of Citrus Greening in America!