Farmers are the Greatest People in the World. They feed me and anyone who does that in my books is Amazing! They are also the hardest working people I know. They are the most resourceful people I know, and they…

Farmers are the Greatest People in the World. They feed me and anyone who does that in my books is Amazing! They are also the hardest working people I know. They are the most resourceful people I know, and they…
The Citrus Industry in Review ~ It is worse than you might think! I personally listened to story after story from Growers who have been devastated. Many have sold off sections of their farms, others have lost it all. One…
The difference between your productivity with the use of IHO-Agro products is amazing. WE know that the Industry is headed for a drastic reduction. It appears as of last Report that the reduction will be about 25% lower than last…
It was a pleasure to welcome the Attendees of the Florida Citrus Show on the morning of January 27th 2016. I had a couple of messages for them, but the most important one that seemed to resonate with everyone was…
On January 27th and 28th we will be at the Florida Citrus Show in Ft. Pierce, Booth #27. This will be a great Citrus Show, and we are looking forward to meet with you and spend some time talking about…
IF YOU REDUCE WHAT GO ON YOUR FIELDS IT WILL REDUCE WHAT GOES IN YOUR WATER… These words are true about a lot of things, but in relationship to this subject, the regular or overuse of Traditional Fertilizers… and the…
Great to see that this action is being taken, for Beez sakes. It might be a good thing to look at the values of using an Organic Foliar Fertilizer @Aaronagroaid. Products like these have the ability to produce stronger plants…
Science is GREAT! Love it .. I am not a scientist… just an individual who saves Citrus Trees by bringing them back to health with the application of a 100% Natural Foliar Application.. I just watch dying trees regain their…