Case Study

Results of using IHO-Agro Product showed a 28.5% increase in Yield without any Ground Fertilizer!

A Case Study: Citrus Greening in Indian River County, Florida

As many of you know, Citrus Greening (huanglongbing) is disease affecting citrus crops around the world. Over the last 21 years it rapidly became a major threat for farmers everywhere as it spreads across their holdings and systematically renders once fruitful groves essentially barren.

Back in fall of 2014 (Before application of IHO-Bio)

This is the story of one such farmer from Indian River County, Florida. After Citrus Greening spread across his grove, it yielded no crops for 2 years. Seeing no recourse to his dire situation, the farmer was forced to push over 15 or his 20 acres of trees due to the infection. This was in fall of 2014.

Status - extreme defoliation and yellowing
Status - fruit failing to color and falling prematurely

December 2014 (After application of IHO-Bio)

After just the second spray in December, the results were already promising. All the trees were full flush, the largest that the farmer had seen in a long time; the leaves were visibly larger and more vibrant.

Status – vigorous flushing
Status – leaf expansion

March 2015

A third spray was completed in January 2015. With the results being so promising, in March the farmer decided to expand the application of IHO-Bio to his other groves that were also affected by Citrus Greening.

An impromptu recording of the farmer’s initial reactions as we were inspecting the crops, after repeated applications of IHO-Bio.

An impromptu recording of the farmer’s initial reactions as we were inspecting the crops, after repeated applications of IHO-Bio.

April 17, 2015

The farmer is expecting no fruit drop, better than a regular harvest.

June 5, 2015

The farmer reports 0% fruit drop!

June 26, 2015

All trees retained their fruit, resulting in 0% fruit drop despite lack of rain.

All trees retained their fruit, resulting in 0% fruit drop despite lack of rain.

After several applications of IHO-Bio we see great development of the leaf structure.

July 23, 2015

Consistent results Great crop, vigorous flush on 5 acres

IHO Agro President and CEO hosts Florida Department of Agriculture visit to the grove

August 12, 2015

Just to record the progress

September 1st, 2015

Orange trees are overloaded with fruit; hardly able to bear the weight… No Fruit Drop!

IHO Bio proves its ability to stimulate plant growth and ability to fight off citrus greening.

Results of using IHO-Agro Product showed a 28.5% increase in Yield without any Ground Fertilizer!