
OUR VISION is a simple one to state, however as with most things in life it is “Easier said than done”

To be able to see the truly amazing IHO-Agro International Inc. products used on everything that grows worldwide. You can see what I mean by easier said than done.

Realistically our vision is to being able to demonstrate to you the Grower of our Food, the Golf Course Owner, the Landscaper, the Property Manager, that if you apply the IHO-Agro products as directed your ~ Crops ~ Trees ~ Flower Beds ~ Lawns. Virtually everything that grows will THRIVE!

Very important, all without contributing in any way to harming the Environment.

IHO-Agro has Organic Certification by FiBL: http://www.fibl.org/en/homepage.html

Where conventional fertilizer nutrients all end up.

The protection of our most precious resource Water… is one of the World’s most serious challenges.

The Commissioner of Agriculture for the State of Florida, Adam Putnam, considers water one of the States greatest challenges, and in fact he has for several years. In our opinion, the members of the Florida Legislature should look at nonpolluting fertilizer alternatives, as part of the solution.

This challenge goes hand in hand with our interests of, reducing the Pollution of Water worldwide from applied conventional Fertilizers used in Agriculture today.

I say that not to condemn, but as a statement of fact. More and more reports of harmful Algae Blooms expanding each year in our waterways are being produced. In these reports the overwhelmingly the #1 cause of the Toxic Algae Blooms is the Nutrient Runoff from conventional Farm Fertilizers. The Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Lake Okeechobee, the Everglades, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, the Ohio River, Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba Canada, are all examples right in our own back yard. Yes there are other contributors like Landscaping, and Sewage Treatment Plants, but by far the number one contributor is Farm Nutrient runoff. Research shows that the total amount of applied conventional Fertilizers plants use is a low of 10% to a high of 12%.* This shows that there is a huge percentage of Nutrients left in the soil to enter the waterways.

Looking to Help?
So how can you join us to protect the Water Resources in your back yard and around the world?

Simple… purchase and apply the IHO-Agro Products as directed. All of the IHO-Agro Products are designed to be applied by either soil or Foliar Spray. All Plants absorb the Micro Nutrient Foliar Sprays in approximately 90 minutes, and begins to put the absorbed nutrients to work immediately to produce the largest yields and the finest quality of produce.** Any of the fine mist that doesn’t land on the leaves of small plants, are absorbed by the ground where the Nutrients go to work improving the health of the soil. In the case of large plants like trees, the bark and will also absorb the nutrients that land on them.

IHO- Agro FiBL is Certified for use in Agriculture. This 100% Organic Fertilizer is the perfect answer to protect our most precious resource Water. For more information on FiBL see this link. http://www.fibl.org/en/homepage.html

*University of Tennessee- prof T.S. Osborne-agronomist Research indicates only 10-12% of phosphorus is taken up by plants in the first year, the rest is locked up or washed away. The foliage of plants, including bark of dormant trees, can take in nutrients as much as roots can, even at temperatures below freezing.

** Agricultural Chemicals Magazine: Phosphorus availability studies have given a ratio of 20:1 in favor of foliar feeding over traditional soil feeding.