This year I will be spending World Water Day 2019 at The University of Waterloo ~ The Water Institute; for two great events.

Exploring solutions to the Indigenous water crisis in Canada

The list of speakers are:

Chief Linda Debassige, M’Chigeeng First Nation, Ontario

Lydia Hwitsum, Cowichan Nation, British Columbia; Principal, Hwitsum Consulting; Board of Governors, Royal Roads University

Deborah McGregor, Whitefish River First Nation, Ontario; Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice, Osgoode Hall Law Faculty, York University

Kelsey Leonard, Shinnecock Nation, New York; PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science; Philomathia Water Policy Fellow, McMaster University

Moderated by Professor Jean Andrey, Dean of Environment, University of Waterloo

The Second Event:

What the challenge of clean water at home and around the world   tells us about ourselves, our country, and our planet
2019 Water Institute RBC Distinguished Lecture 

Presented by Former Ontario Premier Bob Rae
Moderated by CBC Radio Host, Craig Norris